Using this encyclopedia
The truth in reporting is confirmed by you, the reader, being able to validate the information. Allowing the reader to do so establishes credibility of the information, the author and this web-site!

Silver topics are organized into sub-topics. These are displayed in the main menu.

All the information comes from online web-site authors and referenced sources. There are many sub-topics for silver and over 100 references. In order to give you, the reader, the entire text of a reference source that often is long and detailed, this author and web-master decided to quote the original sources in a separate menu folder titled " References and Documentation." 
The reason for doing this should be obvious: Minimize distraction from the main topic.   Detailing each reference along with the content would cause a long content, with numerous references as distractions, making it difficult for the reader to focus on the topics.

The author decided to simplify each sub-topic by providing content with shortened references to article number and/or author. The original reference sources are in a separate menu folder; or "References and Documentation.” Such simplification makes the silver content easier to read.

Hopefully this makes it more convenient for you, the reader, to focus and concentrate on reading the topics and subject matter.

Information stated is backed up by documentation or reference to the source by number or and author. For example, a paragraph below refers to countries using silver and the blue footnotes where this information came from:
“Countries using Silver as water purifier, disinfectant, antiseptic, etc., include: Australia, Belise, Cambodia, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Iran, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Russia, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK England, and USA.”
[ 61. - 65. Water ] [ 69. World Health Organization Report ] [ 73. Whose using CS? ] [ 93. Cambodia ]
Where can you find: References for example,  61-65 ?
  • You need to go to the main menu

  • then highlight “References and Documentation"

  • This will display the entire list of references.
  • Scroll down to the number or author you wish to read.

Usually, there will be a web-site for the original source. You can log onto this web-site source and read or confirm the document yourself.